Charitable support for the rugby community in Oxfordshire

The oxfordshire PIN POINT TRUST


The Trust’s Mission is “To support rugby union players and others associated with rugby in need within the county of Oxfordshire”

There are 28 rugby clubs within Oxfordshire, of which 17 participate in competitive competitions. These clubs support 1800 adult male players, 430 adult female players, 1200 coaches across all ages, 400 volunteers and 1000 youth players. There are 49 adult male teams, 9 adult female teams and 175 male and 15 female youth teams. There are 8 touch rugby teams which supports 140 players.

The Trust is a registered charity existing as the result of donations and support of the game. It is administered by a Board of Independent Trustees who meet at least twice a year to consider applications, but applications are welcomed at any time of the year. Outcomes of applications even if unsuccessful will be advised usually within 10 days if not sooner.

The Trust is happy to receive applications for financial help and assistance in cases of hardship where a player, coach, or volunteer is perhaps injured or otherwise in difficulties and needs financial support whether directly or by grant assistance. As a Charity, the Trust is open to all involved in the game, players, coaches or volunteers. The Trustees will take care to properly check and verify applications for help and assistance. All applicants should submit the formal application form as provided within our website.